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Roadmap for an Effective Ministry to Men

Roadmap for an Effective Ministry to Ministry to Men

1. Catch the Vision Understand the challenges men in our society face and that a successful method is available to rescue men who are lost.

2. Start with Prayer.  Effective men’s ministry starts with and runs on prayer.  Meet with two or three or more men who are committed to ministering to men.  Pray for men’s ministry and the men of the church.  Pray until the Lord indicates that it is time for action.

3. Form the Leadership Team. Identify a man with potential for leading your men’s ministry.  Disciple him.  Assist him in laying a solid spiritual foundation.  Coach him as he grasps the reins of leadership.  Bring other men onto the leadership team and form a core group.

4. Develop Mission and Vision  (Blueprint pgs 50-55)

  • What are the needs of the men in our church; in our community?
  • What do we want to accomplish?
  • How will we accomplish this?
  • How will we measure the results?
  • What is the purpose of your ministry?

5. Develop a Variety of Entry Points

  • Breakfasts, barbecues, sporting events, service days
  • Work/Service projects
  • Equipping seminars that specifically develop men
  • Bible studies, adult Bible classes for men
  • Annual retreats, conferences

6. Develop a Disciplemaking Strategy

  • Evangelism
  • Establishing
  • Equipping
  • Mentoring

7. Consider/Develop One-on-One Discipling Ministry

  • Based on existing or potential one-on-one relationships
  • Train leaders
  • Suggest materials (Navigators/Campus Crusade/Intervarsity

8. Consider/Develop Small Groups for Men

  • Closed
  • Open
  • Relational

9. Consider/Develop Large Group Ministry

  • Saturday morning Bible Study
  • Saturday morning video series (e.g., Men’s Fraternity )