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Much has been written about the failure of men in our society. The purpose of men’s ministry is to turn the tide of moral failure, ignorance and complacency. Men need other men to help them grow in the Lord. Men’s ministry is a team effort. That team needs a champion. .

Ministry to Men is more effective when the pastor is actively invloved in organizing. planning and particiapting in men's events. When pastors support the ministry, men recognize and understand the need to support him.

The functions represented on the local church men’s ministry team should be tailored to the needs and size of the church and the maturity of the ministry. Adapt these suggestions based on the men who are available and the needs and direction of your men’s ministry.

Issue: What does it take to be a leader? Challenge: Remember that God wants to be the leader of your men’s ministry, but He wants to do it through you.

The greatest challenge we face in our society leading men to make positive contributions in their families, churches, and communities. To achieve this we need to reach men for Christ and disciple them. This requires men who are trained to lead effective ministries – to men over the long term, and to disciple every man. Listed below are options for developing an effective leadership team.

Leading a men’s ministry is a challenge. If we truly understand that challenge, we are likely to feel intimidated and overwhelmed. The good news is that the Lord wants your ministry to succeed more than you do. Do you believe that? He alone has the wisdom to advance your men’s ministry.

The sole purpose of men’s ministry is to produce spiritually healthy men, men who step up to the plate. Granted, it will not happen overnight. The challenge in small churches is gaining traction with small numbers. Do not be overwhelmed by trying to do all the activities the “experts” say you “must” do.

Feeling a bit overwhelmed by the responsibilities involved in beginning or growing a ministry which meets the needs of the men in your church and community? Is that where you find yourself today?

What does it take to be the kind of leader that men will follow? This question keeps men awake at nights, some will review their shortcomings and others lament the lack of followers. The answer is simpler than we might think.

God's call to making disciples is compelling; God has commanded us to join the battle for men's souls. Men in our churches and across America need to accept the gift of salvation and commit their lives to the Lord. They need to become disciples.

The qualities others are seeking in the next generation of spiritual leaders